Sunday, January 15, 2006

Illustration Friday - E is for...

Elephant. At least that is what first came to mind. Did this sketch really quickly and then thought I should go ahead and just post it. I figure a quick sketch is better than nothing at all (which seems in recent weeks exactly what I have posted). So anyway - a nice quick sketch to get me going again.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

A Long Four Weeks

It's been a long four weeks here in Geeky Girl land. Not too long after my last post my husband was in a car accident (no worries - he's fine). Unfortunately, the car was totalled. Add that to the fact that we hadn't really finished Christmas shopping - well you get the idea. Mass chaos.

Unfortunately last night we got a call that my husband's grandma had passed away. She had been in declining health in recent years so it wasn't a complete shock - a fact often stated but never making it any easier.

So for the next week or so I'll be away but I will be coming back - hopefully with no more bad news for a while. Hope you and yours are well and safe and I'll be back soon.