Thursday, June 15, 2006

Bounty of the Garden - Black Seeded Simpson Lettuce

It's kind of a wonderful thing when you plant seeds and then plants actually grow. For some reason I always feel like there is no way that any seed I plant will actually do anything. But here is the proof - mmmm... delicious.

Then, being on the creative kick I appear to be in the midst of, I took a few up close shots of the produce that I kind of like. I'm wondering if I could enlarge this, frame it, and put it in my kitchen. Hmmmm... artsy.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

My Next Painting - Or - What Should I Put On This Canvas?

Here's a canvas that I painted with bright reds and oranges (as in orange - the color. I can just picture myself using a piece of fruit as a paintbrush - hmmm...). But now I want to add something onto this field of color. I'm thinking sunflowers - or maybe fried eggs. I can't make up my mind. I have a few quick wacom sketches but I'm having trouble focusing on just one idea and refining it. Any thoughts? - Post them in the comment section.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My Finished Pears

So here is the final canvas. I did it with acrylic paint and I can't remember when I finished it. Quite a while ago. But like I said in my last post - I'm cheating a bit. The painting was interesting to do because I'm really not familiar with painting with acrylic. I'm still in the process of learning what works and what doesn't. Are there things that I would like to change about the finished product - yes. Am I going to let that bother me - no. I think drawing and painting - like most creative endeavors - rely more on the fact of you doing them over and over again than worrying about everything you do being perfect. This is something I've had trouble with in the past but I'm working on it. That's part of the reason I like blogging. It's motivation to go work on something if only to have something to post about.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Pears on the Wacom

So, in an effort to stay on top of posting regularly I'm cheating just a bit. I did this wacom sketch a while ago but never got around to posting it. Tomorrow I'll post the painting I made based off of this sketch.

Friday, June 09, 2006

I'm Back

After a long absence I'm back trying to post regularly. I've added some goodies to the sidebar and finally just removed the navbar at from the top. For the past year it had taken up about a 2 x 3 inch square on the left hand side of the screen (if anybody knows how to fix this without removing the bar - please let me know). Anyway I guess my blog is now all cleaned up with places to go so hopefully you'll start hearing more from me soon.