Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pear and Baby Spoon

So this is the first sketch I did in 2009. Getting back into the swing of things now that I can do a quick sketch now that the baby girl is finally taking a nap regularly. I did a very rough blocking of the outline of the spoon and pear in pencil and then dove in with my pen. Felt pretty wonderful to get something on paper again.


Aveen said...

Great job! Especially the shiny metal surface of the spoon. Lovely drawing.

Lindart said...

Looks great! I like your style!

Florence's Art said...

Very nice. Good for you getting back into art with the new baby. I remember those days. It gets real fun when they sit beside you and paint.

seesue said...

Good for you for finding the time. Making good use of the moments. Your spoon and pear are great and tell a story of your days that you will always appreciate.