Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What I've Been Doing for the Last Few Years

It has been a long, long while since I last posted. In all honesty I haven't been doing much in the way of sketching for quite a while. Fear not, my fingers haven't been sitting idle all of this time - they've just been busy creating in a medium that is much more friendly to picking up and putting down.

Any guesses?
Here I'll give you a hint...

Mmmmm. Yarn. I've been obsessed with yarn - touching it, knitting with it, wearing it, and recently, even making it. Now, I'm also going to be blogging about it.

I still have a few old sketches that haven't made their way onto this blog and they might slowly trickle their way here; but I have even more older fiber-y projects that will certainly be showing up. The plan is to have Flashback Fridays for a while to catch up with all that I've been doing.

Now back to that picture hint. This is actually yarn that I spun from this...
Spunky Eclectic 4oz. Corriedale Club Fiber "Abstract"
Into this...
470 yards of navajo-plied light fingering weight
I cannot completely explain the sense of supreme satisfaction this gives me. I just look at it and think, "I freaking MADE this." Which, incidentally, could be a perfect name for this blog if it didn't already have one. In any case, get ready, because it's about to get sheepy up in here. 


Abbie said...

Yay! Posts from Kate =) LOVE the yarn and the idea for a blog title...I FREAKING made this...describes that whole feeling perfectly =) Hope all is well with you!

Kate said...

Things are very well here. I'm going to try to post more often now. I don't know why it took me so long to realize "hey, you're into this whole yarn thing - why not just blog about that instead?". Hope things are well with you too.