Happy Holidays, a Happy New Year, and any other holidays I've missed since last I've blogged. Now that I have a preschooler, I'm slowly coming to grips with the fact that for the foreseeable future we will just always have a low grade, constant illness in our house over winter. I guess that's the price you pay for getting to see this...
Yes. She really was this excited about a Kit Kat. |
In any case, despite the continual sick-house conditions, I've gotten some knitting done. Some
serious knitting - which I'll show you another time because I don't have pictures. In the meantime I'd like to show you the softest hat known to existence.
Note how the sunglasses really distract from the lack of makeup and aura of illness. I am super cool.
This is the
Hermione Hearts Ron hat that I knit in the recommended yarn Road to China Light. This yarn. Oh my goodness, this yarn. How can you go wrong with baby alpaca, silk, camel, and cashmere? I'm also quite convinced that it contains the hopes and aspirations of unicorns because this stuff is MAGICAL. Ever since first feeling it, I have dreamed of a sweater made of this stuff. In fact, let's not even call it a sweater. We would call it a full upper body experience. That is how good it would feel. I've been scared off of attempting such a thing by both the price and the worry that with the softness would also come the pilling. So far the hat still looks pristine after being shoved in and out of my purse all winter long so I might have to make a pair of exploratory fingerless mitts to see how those hold up. We shall see...
And in other news...
Oh the cuteness. See. I shouldn't have even put this picture up because now I want to knit 550 more baby things.
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