Friday, August 22, 2014

Flashback Friday: Irish Cream Cremosa

Here is my only other sketch from 2013 - a plastic cup. Please everyone, calm down. I know the wild thrill of seeing a plastic cup illustration could be overwhelming - deep breaths will help you center yourself. 

This sketch actually is pretty exciting for me - but more for the associations I have with it than with the actual drawing. It was the first time in many many moons that I was out in the world by myself. It felt incredibly luxurious to sit in a coffee shop and have a drink. I also remember checking my watch every two minutes to make sure I wouldn't be late to pick my daughter up. Such is parenthood.
While sketching it was entertaining to eavesdrop on the conversations going on in the coffee house. There was a college-aged couple that I would guess were out on some sort of date. He was talking about Montreal and how different the politics are here. She talked about going to San Francisco or New York after graduation - and how in ten years there will be jobs when all the old people retire - and how her generation will change everything.
I tried this drink at Aimee's Coffee House today while Chloe was in ballet class. It's made up of half and half, soda water, and Torani Irish Cream syrup. It was decent - you just have to be prepared for the soda water to give it a little bite. 

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