Thursday, May 31, 2007

Taylor Guitar

So here's a little sketch of my guitar. Or at least a part of it. The guitar I mean. To clarify: A whole sketch of a part of my guitar. I did this in pen (no pencil again), and I think it turned out better than the hummingbird feeder. Still scary to see a nice blank page and put a pen to it. As the results are more to my liking it gets a little easier.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hummingbird Feeder

This is not my favorite sketch but it is important none the less. It is my first sketch in my moleskine that I started straight in with the pen. In my earlier drawings I did at least a little preliminary pencil sketch before commiting to ink. Not so with this drawing. While it is frightening it forces you to look at things a little differently. Pay attention to how lines intersect and overlap. Take a little time before drawing to figure out where on the page you want things to be. More forays into the crazy world of pencil-less sketching in the days to come.

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Ephemera of a Cold

Pretty self explanatory. I think my favorite part to draw was the throat lozenge.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

To Italy

This is my second card for postcrossing.
This time just a few little doodles. I actually sent the cards out on the same day.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


So I discovered a new site a few weeks ago called postcrossing. Basically, you register then receive up to five addresses around the world. You then send those addresses postcards. Once it's verified that you sent them, your address is given to someone who sends you a postcard. Simple enough, so I'm giving it a try. Here is the first card I sent.

She said she liked Egyptian postcards or ones with poppies. So I decided to draw a quick poppy on the back. I'm thinking if I keep this up I might make a little sketch on the back of all the cards I send out. Might request that people sending me cards do the same.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Santoku Knife

I painted this a few weeks back. My Mom hacked off the tip of her finger chopping an onion and called me up to take her to the emergency room. She was very good humored about the whole thing, all things considered. She's doing fine and in honor of the event I drew a santoku knife. I really like the dark black I was able to mix up for the handle.