Saturday, January 19, 2008

The State of the Blog

Probably time for another update. Pregnancy is not being kind to the geeky girl. Got over the extreme morning sickness to feel ok for a while then started getting tired. Really tired. Kind of dizzy too. That's normal right? Right?
Apparently not. Had bloodwork done that came back that I am quite anemic. I am now taking insane amounts of iron and just generally taking it easy. Nothing too serious, just unpleasant and draining. Hopefully in a few more weeks the iron will finish kicking in and I'll be up and going again.
Over the course of the last few months I've only managed to do a few drawings but I'll slowly get those posted.

The Swing of Things

This is a little sketch a I did a little while ago just to try to get back in the swing of sketching. Not really of anything in particular. I think I was watching something on the Discovery channel showing henna tattoos and later when I decided to doodle this came out.