I really enjoyed the act of drawing this one. I got lost in all the little details. It also has a place close to my heart because about a week ago when I went to the post office to pick up these stamps I fainted. At the counter. In front of about 50 people. Someone called an ambulance and the EMTs hooked me up to the heart monitor and blood pressure cuff and it was all very dramatic and I'm sure highly entertaining for the people waiting in line. I went to the E.R. and got checked out and it was just one of those things - nothing serious - I might have a condition where if I stand for too long my blood pressure drops and I pass out. Sounds like the premise of a bad sitcom to me. In any case, now my husband and family relentlessly tease me that I got over excited about the colorful stamps. Now I have the drawing to prove it.
I'm glad you're okay! I've had some fainting spells myself recently but it was due to being anaemic. Take care ~
Btw, love the sketch...great detail!
This is beautiful, and such a good idea. Glad to hear you are OK.
Excellent stamps - and colors! Good job! Hope you are feeling better now.
One does tend to stand a long time in the post office line, don't they? :) Beautiful sketch.
Good heavens, I'm glad your ok! I found you through everyday matters group and I love your blog...I've added you to my favs. Great sketches!
goodness! fainting. not fun. love the idea of drawing stamps. I bought some starwars stamps the other day, but I'm not motivated to draw those!
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