This is my first EDM challenge. I'm thinking about starting at the beginning and working my way through. Not on any particular schedule. Just as I need a little extra inspiration or feel like it could be fun. I tried to capture the distressed leather texture of these shoes without doing so much pen work that it felt muddy. Also, I have to say, it was really, really, tempting to pick up a pencil to do this. I'm glad I didn't because if I had, I would have gone straight to that anal-retentive, obsessive place where every line, every shadow has to be exactly perfect. It's not a very fun place. In fact, I'm trying to expatriate from that place.
WONDERFUL JOB!!!! relaxed and fun looking!
Very nice shoe ... interesting and great color.
About two months ago I started the challenges, and my decision was to do them in sequence since that's a way for me to maintain discipline in doing them.
Love your site!
Now, that's a comfy shoe! great job! keep 'em coming!
What a great drawing on this shoe!I love the linework and color...well done.
Hey, I like it! Aren't the challenges fun? I especially liked doing the shoe drawing. I love how yours came out. :)
great job on the drawing and wash.
Ah, this is lovely. Nice composition. And you get what you pay for!
Terrific job...like the angle...Welcome to EDM
lovely sketch, love your loose line, look forward to more!
Excellently done! The challenges are a lot of fun, and it looks like you had fun doing this one.
...and you are doing such a great job of it, these are terrific!!!
Awesome job and great colors!
Well done.....good colour and nice line-work. :)
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