This drawing is actually from way back in 2007. I got pregnant, got sick and basically didn't draw much for the rest of the year. I had the baby, had a very serious complication, and again didn't really draw much for another year. Slowly I've made my way back to drawing. Over the next week or so I'll be posting old drawings while I start scanning in my new stuff. I'm trying to keep the habit going so hopefully there will be more to see soon...
I like your ladybug. This EDM group has been a big inspiration for keeping me motivated and working...nearly on a daily basis. I tend to let other things take precedence...so lately, I've been trying to paint early in the morning while my husband is still sleeping and it's quiet. Posting my paintings on my blog and reading the comments is another motivation. Look forward to seeing more of your work.
I just lost my comment somehow--will try again---I think this looks like a wonderful character in a story--you've drawn him with personality---me thinks he's a clever fellow! The years will change how you use your creative talents and never fear...they will not ever leave you--
I like your bug. I too am trying to make drawing an everyday habit. I love looking at art journals and just yesterday created two books to work in. If you have a chance I am from Kansas also please stop by and take a look at my site: www.whitehorseranch.blogspot.com
I love your journaling style! It’s hard to get into drawing mode, especially with all of the Mommy demands in your life. Keep at it though, even if intermittently, and it will be a great relaxation for you.
Love this....whimsy, free and fun!
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