Okay - what's a geeky girl without gadgets? I figure it's about time to tell you all about one of the greatest things ever invented (well, not really, but I'm trying to convey immense excitement here) - the graphics tablet. I have a Wacom graphire 3 that I got on sale at Best Buy right before Wacom upgraded the Graphire line to the Graphire 4. I've been using it about every day since I got it. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes to sketch, paint, design things for the web, or if you just really like cool computer gadgets. It really works as advertised and I'm telling you - the thing is blowing my mind. So, if you're geeky gadget brain cells are starting to do the happy dance - put this one on your wishlist, or start saving - because it's one gadget that's worth it.

Get your creative geek on.
Yep, that's what I use. Actually it's the Graphire 1 that I use, but I'm sure it's pretty much the same. When I was lookinig for which one to get, I found that the differnce between the Graphire and the next up model (which was like $150 more) was that the next higher model could register the angle of your pen. There are times when this feature would be nice, but i didn't think it was worth the increased price.
It's a good product.
I second that. Wacom tablets are the best thing ever invented (although, I'm really looking at the Tablet PC and/or LCD tablet -- but those are REALLY expensive).
I have the Intuos 2. I love it for it's pressure sensors, but at first, I felt it was a bit too big. I like a smaller work area. I've gotten used to it, though.
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