Monday, October 03, 2005

Illustration Friday - Float

Okay - so here goes my very first illustration friday post. I've been lurking quietly in the background for quite a while telling myself nothing I do would be good enough (there are some really talented artists there). Then I thought - so what? It's supposed to be fun and there are just too many times in life when I'm afraid to do something because I'm secretly worried about what people will think. So today I made myself draw a quick sketch of the first thing that came to mind when I thought of the word float. Inevitably I ended up of a sketch of food. That's just my way. Hopefully now that I've gotten over my fear there will be many more not so great (but way fun to draw) illustration friday sketches to come.


Debbie said...

I think it's great. Never be afraid to express yourself here or anywhere. This place is great for encouraging creativity. Keep it up :)

Queen Tut said...

Keep it up, its nice to see you here!

Anonymous said...

-- one of these things is not like the others...

Yeah, because the one in front of me is empty!

Great job.

Tony Sarrecchia said...

Great job!

Trout Fishing on Oahu said...

Glad you've joined us! I'm in the same boat, only two posts after checking out the site out for awhile.

Megan Hoover said...

Like Debbie, I also think it's great -- I love I.F. because you can really just be you. I have a similar personality to you...very introverted at times (gotta have my down time) but I also need to get out and get crazy sometimes.

JacqueLynn said...

I like this a lot, esp the repeat of the image, it works really well

Anonymous said...

Cool illustration. Nice job. Keep posting every week.